Recently, heart-shaped braid hairstyle is welcomed by lots of girls, as it is a great way to protect your hair and give a cool feeling and stunning look in the hot summer. If you want to try something new, scroll down to achieve this hairstyle, easy and gorgeous!
The content of this blog
1.What is heart-shaped braid?
2.The versatile heart-shaped braid styles
3.How to do heart-shaped braid?
4.The tips for the perfection
What is heart-shaped braid?
Heart-shaped braid is kind of abraided hairstyle design where a shape in the form of a love heart is used. The whole process is not harder than it looks like and really gives you final refreshing look
If you are tired of normal hair look, try this type of braid and will be surprised. There are some versatile and easy-to-do heart braid hairstyles that give you a classy and elegant look. Check it below and pick one you like.
The versatile heart-shaped braid styles
cornrow heart braid
Double braid heart
Stitch heart braid with highlight
Burgundy heart braid
knotless heart braid
Two bun cornrow heart braid
Ponytail stitch heart braids
How to do heart-shaped braid?
1.Choose a specific heart braid hairstyle.
First, you need to pick one hairstyle and figure out where you want the heart shape design to be like side part, middle part or back.
2.Prepare a rat tail comb, gel or hair spray
Second, to do a heart shape outline by using your comb and part the hair into c type shape. Do forget to put on some gel or hair spray to make it clear and neat. If your heart is at the side of the head, the first one will be a round c but the next one will be a c shape that goes all the way down to where the ear starts.
3.Part the hair diagonally
Third, braiding the hair at the centre of the heart shape to make sure you have the perfect design and then part the hair diagonally starting at the outer most point of that side. The part where you connect the diagonal section to the hair at the bottom is where you’ll start adding the braiding hair.
4.Braid the heart with hair bundles
Fourth,braiding the heart from the inner corner. For a natural and stunning look, you should add small number of hair each time when braiding your hair.The process will be the same for the other half side of the heart.
After finishing heart braiding, you need to secure them by using a thread and needle.
Now, for a detailed tutorial, let us watch the video.
The tips for the perfection
1.Keep your hair clean before doing this hairstyle
2.Use hairspray or shine jam on the parted line to make it neater
3.Use human hair bundles for a long lifespan and give you the natural look. Sunber Hair provides affordable and high-quality human hair bundles for you. You can click the link to know more if you need one
4.After you’re done with your stitch feed in braids, lay the edges and apply your mousse
5.For the maintenance, you can wear a scarf when you sleep at night
Today we talk about how to make a heart-shaped braid. And it is cute and pretty if you can put the love heart on your head. Can not wait to try it! If you have any question, leave a comment below.