Should You Change Up Your Hair Color?
2017-04-24T22:17:00-0500 Sunber HairWhen you are craving some change in your life, it can be fixed by minuscule, semi-permanent changes to more drastic and permanent changes. A happy medium in finding needed change can come in the form of changing up your hair color, whether the change comes from subtle highlights or changing your hair color completely.
While the color change isn’t necessarily permanent, you can always fix up a bad hair job by changing it again. However, you do want to consider the pros and cons of changing up your hair color.
Things you should consider prior to dyeing your hair:
Any restrictions created from possible dress codes from jobs and/or internships
If you are currently employed in a part-time job and/or internship, you should do some research of what the job or internship’s dress code entails. If it is a more professional setting, there are more chances of the job being more strict on dyed hair and what colors are allowed or not allowed. Colors like brown, blonde, black, and red are more acceptable as they are natural. More extreme and unnatural dyes, such as an electric blue or pastel pink are questionable, in more professional work settings.
It’s always better to be safe than sorry and to check with your employer on what hair colors are considered acceptable prior to committing to a hair color and going through with the dye job. If your chosen color fails to comply with the dress code, you will be wasting both time and money on fixing your hair to comply with company guidelines once more.
The financial situation you are in and how changing your hair color can factor into it
If you are already on a tight budget, you should factor the costs of dying your hair and maintenance into your financial plan. If you decide to dye it yourself, the job is bound to be cheaper, but the risk of it not turning out well can be more of a burden if you are going to shell out more money to fix any discolored patches or other mistakes. When dyeing it yourself, research and prepare how to properly dye your hair in order to avoid damage to your hair or avoid spending more time and money to fix mistakes made from being unprepared to dye your own hair.
Getting your hair professionally done lessens the chances of your hair getting ruined and having to fix it.
The price of dyeing your hair will change depending on the length of your hair and the type of dyeing that will be done, so it’s better to plan out what type of dyeing you can afford. Different dye jobs will also require different levels of maintenance, which can eventually cost you more money than the initial dyeing job will.
If you get an ombre or balayage, it will be less maintenance if you want to just grow out your hair and not have to. However, if you decide to fully dye all of your hair, you will need to constantly retouch your roots in order to keep the color of your hair consistent from roots to your tips.
Why you should dye your hair:
Welcome some positive change in your life
Jennifer Munoz, a second year at the University of California, Irvine recently made the decision to change her hair.
She stated, “I’ve always wanted to go lighter, but I’ve always been afraid to commit to a new hair color, but for some reason when I went back home, I wanted to be spontaneous and color my hair.”
Despite how hectic college can be, you can find yourself in a routine in the middle of the quarter or the semester and will seek change. For people like Munoz, changing your hair color can be a quick and easy solution for desired change or spontaneity, and can be reversed if it the result is not exactly how you wanted.
Changing your hair color can affect your self-esteem — most often positively.
It’s not a permanent change
At the end of the day, hair really is just hair and you can always change it if you decide to color your hair or decide not to change your hair. If the color does not end up as you expected it to, you can always go back and change it with another dye job.
If you take care of your hair after dyeing it, you won’t face the negatives of dyeing your hair, like facing the dreaded damaged hair from bleaching it. Taking care of your hair prior to dyeing it and after dyeing it will help you avoid lasting damage from repeatedly dying for maintenance. If you plan on repeatedly dying your hair, be aware that you are adding harsh chemicals to your hair and you will need to be repairing and protecting your hair.